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With all of the focus on the Samsung V Apple case recently there have been some interesting happenings in the Microsoft house that many of you might find interesting. It seems that Microsoft has made a few interesting moves lately; at least one that they obviously regret and a couple that they hope will help their position with their partners and their upcoming release of Windows 8. As most of you already know Windows 8 is set for release in October of this year and should hit the market with a healthy selection of products which are designed just for the new cloud based and touch centric OS.
Read more: Microsoft Tries To Calm OEM And Reseller Fears...
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As we continue to follow the Samsung V Apple trial we happened upon something rather funny today that is about the case, but also shows something much wider in scope that a battle between Samsung and Apple. We have talked about how the market pushes products and how people tend to identify items with one brand or another. There are many examples of this that we can talk about and they are often welcomed by the companies in question as it puts their brand name out there more than anyone else’s. We can point you to many examples of this; Band-Aid, Kool-Aid, Kleenex, Ziploc, Xerox, Ditto, Zippo, Superglue and yes iPod, iPhone and iPad.
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Although not specifically related to technology we have some interesting information on the Kim Dotcom case. One of our Forum members Euonia posted a very interesting video that includes some new footage of the raid on Kim Dotcom’s home. When watching it we were more than a little shocked by the number of police vans, helicopters and other assets that were used to arrest Dotcom. Considering I can remember looking back on the raids I was on when working for DirecTV and I am shocked that they would use this level of force for a “low-level threat”
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Apple has a plan for the possibility that they might lose and lose badly in their war against Samsung. This was something that they always knew was a possibility given the somewhat flimsy evidence they were throwing around and the way that the press caught on so quickly (and not just the pro Apple press). No, Apple knew that they needed to work hard to sever as many direct ties with Samsung and Google and the faster the better.
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Apple has a very short memory and also a nasty little habit of getting people involved that share their paranoia. Today one of the people that Apple called was designer Peter Bressler. For those of you that do not know who he is he is a famous designer that also founded his own design group in Philadelphia and was also a leading member of the Industrial Designers Society of America. Sounds like some pretty impressive credentials right? Well we though so as well until we found a small note on the Bressler Group’s site that said “In a world where distinctions are becoming ever more indistinct. Where a $10 wristwatch may well keep better time than a $10,000 chronograph. Where new products proliferate, and differences between them are the difference between success and failure, product design that communicates has never mattered more.”
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