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Samsung V Apple has been the talk of most media outlets for the past week. This is not surprising at all simply because the stakes in this case are so big. As we are sure you are aware Apple has been running an ongoing PR and legal campaign trying to claim that Samsung (their biggest competitor) willfully copied Apples products including the iPhone and iPad. This is something that many media sites have failed to report on despite parroting the statements and press releases from Apple. It was intended to put a predisposition in the minds of people that Samsung is already guilty of copying.
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Well it looks like CISPA has been shot down in the US for now. This was thanks to a fairly big internet campaign to let people know that the vote was happening (it was voted on yesterday) and while most of the world was watching the antics of Samsung and Apple the Senate tried to vote the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act into law. But to be honest with you toward the end (and as we get closer to the elections) we had a feeling this one would be scrapped. It was too much for many voters who already feel their privacy is being abused. The Senators knew that passing this would be a quick ticket back home as the popular opinion was against them.
Read more: CISPA Gets Voted Down, But This Is Just The Calm...
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Apple used to have a reputation as a company with some of the most xenophobic security measures and also had the fewest product leaks. There were always predictions based on information that may or may not have come from some of Apple’s suppliers, but in many cases this information was less than accurate. However, since the death of Steve Jobs and the ascent of Tim Cook into the captain’s chair things have radically changed. Now we have almost daily leaks of information about products that have not been announced. Of course when you point this out you face the backlash from many hardcore Apple fans that will tell you this is all according to plan and nothing is wrong (move on folks).
Read more: Sharp Talking About Their Part In The iPhone 5...
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Yesterday Judge Lucy Koh showed us all that she is not concerned with finding the facts in the matter of Apple’s accusations against Samsung (over copying) just as much as she is not concerned with Apple’s own behavior out of court. He is, however, very keen to make sure she controls what the jury is and is not exposed to from Samsung’s representatives. It is an issue that has not only been reported here, but has also popped up on other media outlets expressing concern that the proceedings are fair at all.
Read more: Apple Asking For Sanctions Against Samsung After...
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Judge Lucy Koh has apparently decided the fate of the Samsung V Apple case all on her own. In fact she has even ordered evidence to be destroyed. Now correct me if I am wrong, but why on earth would ANY judge interested in making a sound and fair decision ask for evidence to be destroyed. The only reason I can think of is that Luck Koh knows that the evidence is valid and would hurt Apple significantly during this trial. It is apparently also something that Samsung knows as well. Samsung are the ones that leaked this rejected evidence to the press. The move was partly to prove the point that Apple borrowed from Sony for the iPhone design and also to show Judge Koh’s bias in the trial.
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