Installation -
You can check out our video on how to install the T1000 ETI below; it is something of a process, but if you want the best results we recommend you follow the directions closely. It is very important to remember that you need to expose the T1000 to some serious heat to make sure if flows over the CPU. During this time you will want to continue to tighten the side of your cooler along the “thick” side of the ETI. This will force the T1000 material to flow over the rest of the CPU properly.
On the off chance that you get an improper flow all is not lost. Unless the T100 material slid off the surface of the CPU or managed to leak out from under your cooler you can always attempt a reflow. To do this simply put the material under high heat (say by running WinPrime95) and see if you can tighten down your cooler any more on the “thick” side. If you can the material did not completely flow across the CPU surface, if not you could still see an improvement in your temps as the first flow might not have completed properly.