Sprint's EVO 3D from HTC hits our lab - The Box and Goodies

3d-10Not too long ago I made a comment about the iPhone losing ground in the smart phone market. Not too long after that I started looking at the mobile phone market; not because I was trying to find some information about on smartphone purchases, but because I was interested in a new phone. The phone I was replacing is one of the most popular Android based phones on the Market. It was actually one that many people went to after the issues with the iPhone 4 (the grip of death). In fact that is how I ended up with my HTC EVO 4G from Sprint. The phone that caught my eye was another HTC phone. This was the HTC EVO 3D. This is a dual core high performance phone with a 3D Screen that does not need glasses to view.  So I went out and picked one up, let’s see if it was worth the money and time.


The Box and Goodies -
Phones these days do not come with much (never have really). The boxes are usually just big enough to drop the phone and a few odds and ends. Sometimes the boxes can be nice looking. I know that I have always liked the iPhone boxes for their style. The EVO 3D came in a box that was plain white and made of what looked like recycled cardboard. On the top of the box the words EVO 3D was embossed and HTC has added a slight shadow to the box to make this more visible.

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This part of the box is nothing more than an outer shell though. The important and fun stuff is on the inside in a much more colorful package. Once you slide this out you will find the EVO 3D sitting right on top. HTC and Sprint have wrapped it in a protective cover that is intended to keep the phone safe and clean, but also happens to have an advertisement for Telenav a navigation add-on that also costs money to use. After we pulled out the EVO 3D and dumped out the boxes contents we found a bag with manuals (in multiple languages) a wall adapter and a USB cable that doubles as a charging cable and a data cable (for the HTC sync if you install that).

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