Sprint's EVO 3D from HTC hits our lab - Value and Conclusion

3d-10Not too long ago I made a comment about the iPhone losing ground in the smart phone market. Not too long after that I started looking at the mobile phone market; not because I was trying to find some information about on smartphone purchases, but because I was interested in a new phone. The phone I was replacing is one of the most popular Android based phones on the Market. It was actually one that many people went to after the issues with the iPhone 4 (the grip of death). In fact that is how I ended up with my HTC EVO 4G from Sprint. The phone that caught my eye was another HTC phone. This was the HTC EVO 3D. This is a dual core high performance phone with a 3D Screen that does not need glasses to view.  So I went out and picked one up, let’s see if it was worth the money and time.

Value -
Value is another very subjective topic. What is expensive to some might be a deal to others. You can look at this topic in multiple ways. One is raw price and the other is what you get for the money. Each is accurate and both are correct ways to look at price/value. We tend to look at features, performance and real-property when we discuss value. However, we also take into account the raw cash cost of the item.
If you are buying the EVO 3D outright then you are going to drop around $500 on this phone. That is a huge chunk of change. Fortunately the wireless providers heavily subsidize the phones and with a new activation you can get this for as little as $199. We were able to pick our up as an upgrade for this same price which is not that bad at all when you do a feature for feature comparison (and this has some features that no other phones have). Of course to get this you have to commit to a new two year agreement, but hey when you can get unlimited data and voice for only $99.99 the deal gets even better. I have to say that even with the minor issues we ran into we feel that $199.99 for this phone is a good deal.

Conclusion -
The EVO 3D is a big step up from our EVO (which we were happy with). Even without the 3D (which is a major selling feature) the EVO 3D is a very fast phone with lots going for it. The multi-media playback is excellent, the video quality is great, and if you have 4G (with good signal) in your area you are golden. This is not to say that the EVO 3D was or is all beer and pizza. We did run into a few issues; 3D display powering off, audio quality on during calls and so-so battery life. However, as Android phones go it is an excellent phone. If you are a Sprint user then you might want to see about an upgrade. If you are not, well then you might want to change your carrier so you get one.

Talk about this one and view the 3D samples on our forum

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