Jedi Survivor – The Quick, Dirty, and Limited Spoilers Review - Conclusion

Game reviews are always fun things to do. I mean it is playing a game and then writing about anything you found while playing it (sounds like fun). The challenge comes from being objective in your writing Vs subjective. Something that I might personally dislike in a game might be the thing that makes a game fun for someone else. It is with that in mind that we bring you our first game review in years. We will be breaking the game down into a couple of areas, objective and subjective findings. So. Let’s kick this off with the fun part, the subjective part.

Conclusion –
Jedi Survivor is a good game if you take it as a stand-alone item. It has bugs, but all games do. It also has story flaws, and continuity errors it also falls into formula quickly (also like many other games). Still, it is very enjoyable despite all of that. I had fun playing it and found myself not wanting to put the controller down. I wanted to get to the next stage and see how the story unfolded. The conversations with friends and opponents alike seemed a bit more real than in Fallen Order which distracted from some of the obvious direction the story was going. I have no real idea of where Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor really fit into Canon, given when they are supposed to happen. However, this does not and should not be taken away from the actual game. It is more of a wish from me as a Star Wars fan that these stories somehow fit into the larger universe and may want to have them make sense, and not just be an add on story with no connection to the whole. If you have not already bought the game I can and do recommend it although I would wait until Respawn has worked with the different console and PC vendors to fix some of the current crop of bugs.


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