Jedi Survivor – The Quick, Dirty, and Limited Spoilers Review - Spoilers

Game reviews are always fun things to do. I mean it is playing a game and then writing about anything you found while playing it (sounds like fun). The challenge comes from being objective in your writing Vs subjective. Something that I might personally dislike in a game might be the thing that makes a game fun for someone else. It is with that in mind that we bring you our first game review in years. We will be breaking the game down into a couple of areas, objective and subjective findings. So. Let’s kick this off with the fun part, the subjective part.

Spoilers Ahead!
Ok the next paragraph will contain some spoilers so if you have not played the game or finished it and you don’t want it spoiled. then skip over this part.

Being a fan of Star Wars (I saw the original in the theaters as a kid) I am always interested in how things fit into the broader universe when it comes to games, movies, streaming etc. In this case both Fallen Order and Survivor are canon. That means they fit into the rest of the Star Wars universe and its overall context. In the case of Jedi Survivor, I am not sure where this one fits in. It is heavy with High Republic references (including one of the main bad guys) and has a lot of potential to set some cool things up in the greater Star Wars universe, but then it falls back onto some very old and played out troupes. The Jedi who turns evil because of the failures of the Jedi Order, the Jedi who turns evil because he becomes too attached. These have been done to death in the movies already so why are we rehashing them in a new game especially one that takes place in the space between the rise of the Empire and the Battle of Yavin (9BBY)? The plot and overall story tone felt forced and a bit disconnected to me. Cal’s flirtation with the dark side was not even an option, you had to choose it to move forward, and yet there were no consequences in the game that I could see from him giving in to his hate and rage. I had hoped that the game would explore a different path for the Jedi Protagonist and his adopted family, but sadly it did not. Finally, why are there so many people in this new game that have blasters and light sabers that are not force users?

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