Asus P8Z77-M Pro Design and Feature Review - Conclusion

board01As we showed you recently we do not just have a single Z77 board from Asus in the lab, but a pretty good range of them. We have a lineup that covers the entry level, the mainstream and even the ROG line (although not the upper end there yet). We have already shown you what you can expect from the Micro ATX Maximus V Gene in terms of features and design so now we want to continue that thread and take a look at another Micro ATX board at the other end of the food chain; the Asus P8Z77-M Pro. So let’s take a few minutes to check out what Asus has in store for you here.

Conclusion –
Asus’ P8Z77-M Pro motherboard is looking to be a great product so far. We can see the same design and build philosophy that Asus uses for their top of the line ROG boards echoed here. The same attention to proper tracing, quality components and performance is represented. With Asus’ new move to fit the feature set to the market this means that the products at each market level are going to have what makes sense and not get over loaded with a bunch of gimmicks that will be of little or no use. With items like Network iControl, Smart Digi+ and the new FanXpert 2 controls even entry level users will be able to get the most out of their boards. We are looking forward to seeing how the P8Z77=M Pro will perform under our testing and also to see if it meets or exceeds the performance envelope for the entry level/channel market.

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