Gigabyte Z87X-UD3H Review Part I - Design and Features - The Box and Goodies

Gigabyte is not a company to be left out of any market and they are certainly keeping pace in the motherboard arena. They are one of the companies that not only leads sales, but also helps to drive innovation and performance standards. We have had many Gigabyte motherboards in the lab and almost without exception they have been great performers. Gigabyte has also been able to learn from their mistakes and from feedback, whether it is from consumers or the press. So where does this leave Gigabyte in the Z87 market? Well we happen to have a Z87X-UD3H in the lab, so let’s take a look and see.

The Box and Goodies -
Although Gigabyte has changed the color of their boxes they have not really changed the content or the layout of them. You get a sleek black box that has an artistic shot of the Z87X-UD3H right above the name of the board. Below this we have some of the highlights of the board.
Flipping around to the back you get more marketing information along with a decent picture of the board with labels indicating what each part is and how it benefits you. There is also more marketing material on the back and in keeping with the new trend there is a QR code that you can use to get more information if you happen to see this board in a store.

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Inside the box are the basics you need to get working. You get a couple of manuals, a driver/utilities DVD, four SATA cables and an SLI bridge.

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