$10,000 bounty put out on Apple's Fingerprint Security


There is one thing that is certain in the consumer electronics world, if you can lock it … someone can unlock it. Now there is something of an extension to this that says that as soon as a product is launched someone will find a flaw in it. We have already seen that someone found a flaw in the control center that allows access to quite a bit of data. Now there are people out there that will do this as a hobby without payment so what do you think happens when someone offers money to this group of individuals?


Right now there is a bounty on the iPhone 5S’ new fingerprint security. Anyone that can find a way around it can pick up $10,000. There is a caveat about this though; the hack must be reliable and repeatable and it has to involve lifting fingerprints from something else like a glass. This is quite the challenge and you know there are going to be even more conditions on this type of contest. Interestingly there are many others that want to see this happen as well and have made donations to the pot to sweeten the deal.

So you get bet that in the next few months we will see someone break the iPhone 5s’ protection and walk away $10,000+ richer (and have a few other nice prizes). It is only a matter of time before someone figures out exactly how to do it and they drop that on the world. The current technology behind biometric readers (consumer grade that is) are not that sophisticated and can be fooled. It is not simple or easy, but it can be done. Once you get past the simulation of the heartbeat and temperature then it is all optics that stand in the way (and yes we know those two items are a big deal).

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