VR Support added to Steam

Not so long ago, there were some rumors going around that PC gaming is dead. After that we Steam Machines were presented, and made a clear statement that there rumors are nothing but mere rubbish. And great news continue to arrive for PC gaming.

Valve on Steam recently added a new category for titles that come with support for VR headset Oculus Rift. VR Support category is still expanding with new entries, but currently has 11 titles, among which the most significant are Team Fortress 2 and Surgeon Simulator 2013. It is worth noting that support for the Oculus Rift includes a compilation of Valve Complete Pack, with titles such as Portal 2, Left 4 Dead and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

It is not yet known when the Oculus Rift will start selling. Oculus VR has recently secured a new investment of $75 million, which should be used just to complete commercial Oculus Rift models intended for end users.

[Ed - This is not a surprise when you think about it. Gabe Newell has already made statements that VR technology was the next logicial progression of gaming. Microsoft is moving into touch and gesture based gaming while others are finding ways to truly bring the games to life.]

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