The Lenovo USB 2.0 Dock with Digital video trys to impress - The Box and Goodies

10So you bought a new Windows 7 Based tablet. If you are like me you and you picked up the Asus EEE Slate EP121 then you are very happy with your purchase. However, no matter what product you picked up you are probably finding limitations. The biggest one that I have found is that I run out of USB ports and there are not many monitors that support HDMI in a resolution that the EEE Slate can realistically handle. There is also the little nagging issue that I would like to use the Gigabit network I have built in my house. I mean sure, the wireless n card in the EP 121 is good and certainly fast, but why stick with 150Mbps when you can have 1000? Today we offer up a possible solution as we take a deep look at the Lenovo USB 2.0 dock complete with DisplayLink’s USB to VGA technology. It should be interesting to say the least.


The Box and Goodies -
The box that the Lenovo dock came in was unfortunately covered with the shipping label envelope. Removing it was tricky and still left a ton of residue on it. Even with this you can get a good idea of what it looks like, in a word; boring. I was more than a little disappointed by the box. It has a decent picture of the dock and a diagram that shows you, in very basic terms, what you can do with it.  However, the boring orange and white colors really make this hard to get excited about.


The back is much more wordy and really does little for us. It is like Lenovo expects you to already know you want this so why put in the effort. Of course sites like ours help with this too.

03Inside the box in a recycled cardboard insert is everything you need to get connected and running. Notice that there is no drivers DVD-ROM. This is because you will always want to head to DisplayLink’s website and grab the latest one.

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