The Cooler Master Notepal Infinite EVO keeps its cool in the lab - The Box and Goodies

05There was a time when if you were talking about gaming you were talking about a desktop system. There was no other option really. To get the performance and power you needed you had to have a desktop system. Then a few years ago GPU and CPU manufacturers found a way to put a lot more power into their mobile products and real mobile gaming was born. However, with that came more power draw and more heat. There have been and more than a few solutions to keep these mobile power houses cool, but not all of them have worked. Cooler Master has had a string of these products that have been fairly capable. We have one of these in the lab, a new one, called Cooler Master Notepal Infinite EVO. It is a dual fan aluminum surface cooler with a 4-port USB hub built in. Let’s see what it can do.


The Box and Goodies -
The Infinite EVO comes in a “suitcase” style box with the typical handle. The front has an excellent image of the EVO so you know exactly what you are getting. You also get a visual aid of how the air flow works on the EVO. Up in the top right corner there is a logo that lets you know that this product will support up to a 17-inch laptop.


The back has more pictures including a large one that shows you how the vent in the back works. The five images below are really more of the same. By now, if you have picked this box up and turned the box around then you are already interested. What is back here is just more icing on the cake.

Inside the box you are only going to find the Infinite EVO, a USB cable and a manual. Not much, but still all you need to get going.



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