Kingston's HyperX Predator 512GB USB 3.0 Drive Review - The Predator


Mobile devices are great. All of us use them in the form of phones, MP3/4 players, tablets laptops etc. The problem with a large majority of them is that they never seem to have enough storage to do everything you want. To combat this trend some manufacturers have started dropping in large capacity HDDs, but to keep inside the expected power curve these drives are very slow and end up slowing the system down as well. The alternative of dropping in a Solid State Drive can speed things up, but can also leave you with limited storage space unless you spend a ton of money. Kingston came up with an interesting little concept that takes care of the storage problem and also gives you some high-speed storage that you can move between your portable device and your desktop. So let’s take a look at the 512GB Kington HyperX Predator USB 3.0 thumbdrive.

The Predator 512GB USB 3.0 Drive -
Considering that there is 512GB of flash memory and a USB 3.0 controller inside the Predator is understandably big. It measures 2.8346 x 1.0606 x 0.8268 inches and is also heavier than most thumbdrives. It has an outer shell of metal and an inner one of plastic. On the “top” of the Predator there is a blue LED to indication activity.

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The two large ends slide together to allow access to the USB 3.0 plug. On the opposite end of the plug there is a swiveling ring that you can use to connect to a chain or the included key ring.

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Now typically we would take these apart, but Kingston has asked use very nicely not to do that this time. The main reason is that this is a loaner unit so there are more people that are going to get to play with this after we are done with it.

So unfortunately that is all there is about the Predator for now, but as soon as we can get one of these on a more permanent basis we will be taking it apart to see what there is inside.

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