Synology DS214SE 2200 Design and Feature Review - Conclusion

The need for a place to put your digital stuff is always going to be. There really is just no getting around it. The question is, do you want to trust your files to the cloud, or do you want to keep them in your possession? For some the cloud looks like an attractive alternative. It is inexpensive and you can access you information from anywhere you have an internet connection. At least the cloud used to be an attractive alternative until the news about how poor security is at many of these places along with the news that when you put your files online you lose some of your ownership rights. So what do you do when a bigger or external drive will do the trick? Well simply put a Network Attached Storage device is perfect for this. Almost all of them come with multiple drives in some form of RAID to protect your data and, in many cases, can be accessed from anywhere you have an internet connection. Today we are taking a look at a NAS from Synology that is aimed straight at the home. This is the two bay DS214SE 2200. So let’s dive in and see if Synology can do for the home what they have done for small to medium businesses.

Conclusion –
The Synology DS214SE looks to be a solid build so far. We are a little concerned about the CPU speed and memory in the system simply because we are used to much more powerful devices. With the expected workload a home based NAS should generate these two items might not be an issue at all, but we will have to find out in part II of our review. For now we know that Synology has put together a product with good components and in a design that is clean and attractive. They have also chosen a good drive with the WD green drives. While they are not meant for high-speed they will keep the cost of operating the DS214SE low which will make it a much better value, if the performance is where it should be.

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