We take the Kingston Wi-Drive out Camping - The Box and Goodies

wd04Apple is famous for many things. They are famous for making the iPhone and iPad, they are famous for their never ending stream of patents for things that already exist and last but not least they are famous for making sure that you cannot use their mobile products without their approval. You see if you buy an iDevice your core file system is pretty much locked down. Now there are ways to get into the file system and move things around, but it can get messy and things do not always make the transition intact. The other side of this is that there is no way to add more storage to any of their products. It is not like an Android or Windows based tablet with an SD card slot or USB ports. So what can you do if you bought one of the 16GB non-3G iPads or if you only own the iPad touch? Kingston has an answer for you. Kingston has put their expertise in making flash drives to good use and attached a flash drive to a wireless controller that can also act as a wireless bridge. They are calling it the Wi-Drive and when you pair this up with the WiDrive app from the AppStore you might just have a relatively low cost answer to a lot of people’s needs. So follow along as we take a look at the $180 32GB Wi-Drive on a first generation iPad.


The Box and Goodies -
The box that your Wi-Drive will come in is about the same size and shape as your average iPhone box. The front gives you a good image of the devices and you are informed right away about the need for the Wi-Drive App and also the capacity of the Wi-Drive.

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Flipping the box over you get a listing of what the Wi-Drive is capable of doing in the smallest print possible. This is then reproduced in 12 languages. The word Warranty is also listed in multiple language at the bottom along with the web address Kingston.com/wa.
After you open the box the fun starts; the Wi-Drive is inside a foam wrapper on top of all of the other goodies. Those goodies are light, but considering what you get inside the actual Wi-Drive they are more than enough to get things rolling. The one thing that I really would liked to have seen is a carrying case. I think that this would have made a very nice touch and added a good deal of value to the consumers' mind.

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