Thecus N2800 2-Bay NAS Design and Feature Review - The Box and Goodies

nas03We have another network storage device in our labs; the Thecus N2800. This is a 2-bay NAS with dual network controllers, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, and eSATA connectivity. We have tinkered around with some of Thecus’ products before and found that they usually are looking at getting you solid performance, but you are not going to get a ton of frills with them. This is not to say they do not have their own feature set that is worth talking about, but that in the past we have found them to be very straight forward products. Good performance, good price and they will do what you need them to. We have been told that this has changed at Theucus and they are moving in the direction of adding in a wider feature set with their NAS Products. So let’s take a look and see if there has been any improvement.

The Box and Goodies -
The box that the N2800 comes in is not bad looking. You have a decent image of the N2800 on almost every side while Thecus wants to be sure you know there is an Intel Atom CPU under the hood. They have also given you a nice diagram of how the N2800 fits into your network. There is more to the box (like a ton of small icons that list the features) that we show you in our video coverage of this product.

box01 box02

Inside the box we have the basics of what you need to get things going including a utilities and manual DVD, an Acronis TureImage DVD (this is the backup software used) and a Twonky Media Server product (we have no idea about this one right now but will surely find out).
Although the N2800 is a Dual LAN device Thecus only included a single network cable. This is something of a shame as it would not have cost them that much more to put in the second cable and it would have been a very nice touch. Thecus has also provided a bag with mounting screws (for your drives) two key to lock the drive bays and an external power supply.


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