Cooler Master's CM Storm Spawn germinates in the lab - Performance

01Cooler Mater is a company that is certainly moving up. It was not that many years ago that they were not well thought of. This was until they released a lineup of cases and coolers that showed they were serious about their business. We saw products like the HAF932, the CM storm series cases and mice, the V8 cooler and others. While this was going on their more consumer based products were benefiting as well. We saw the Hiper 212+ become a favorite of many air cooling aficionados. We used them exclusively for over a year in our labs. Back in January we saw some nice new designs from Cooler Master in their suite at the Bellagio, today we have one of these in the lab and are eager to tell you how it performed. This is the CM Storm Spawn Gaming mouse. Let’s see if it has increased our frag rate.


Performance -
To test the performance of the CM Storm Spawn I stacked it up against my G5 laser gaming mouse, the Sentinel Advanced, and the Inferno Mouse. I played through several levels of Medal of Honor, Portal 2, and Homefront. I played each of these for one hour using each mouse to gauge hand and wrist fatigue and also accuracy and ease of use. I then sat down for some detailed Photoshop CS5 editing. These tests would be using the eraser tool and the cloning tool to edit and clean up small details in images. Unfortunately as these tests are all subjective I can only offer you my experience with it at this time.

Test System -
For testing we used what is my current desktop system the specs are as follows;

Normally I do not overclock my peripheral test systems or my game testing systems, but on my desktop I did just for fun. This was the system that I chose to test the mouse with because it is new I used it with all four mice in the group. Understandably this made the test take much longer than normal but the results are much more accurate.

Gaming with the Spawn was a joy. I had my doubts at first because I was afraid the smaller length would be uncomfortable after an extended amount of gaming. This was not the case at all. The width of the Spawn and the finger rest made it very comfortable. It just seemed to glide under my hand. Neither my pinky nor the heel of my hand dragged across the mousing surface that I use. The accuracy was spot on; in Medal of Honor I found it easier to point, shoot and react than with the Spawn. The large non-slip mouse buttons made single shots simpler to perform while the wheel was very easy to use as a middle mouse button and to swap weapons with. Overall for gaming I would have to say that the Spawn out performed even the Inferno Mouse which was my previous favorite.

In Photoshop the Spawn again showed off that it has accuracy and control. It felt very stable even during some fine editing (like removing the back ground from the new Bacon Icon). This was over all of the other mice in the test group. Here again the shorter length was more than compensated by the width of the Spawn. My hand felt more relaxed when moving the Spawn around.

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The Spawn (as I have mentioned) was just plain comfortable. It although my hand completely covered the spawn while I was using it did not feel small or awkward, I felt like I had complete control even after extended use.


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