Cooler Master's CM Storm Spawn germinates in the lab - The Box and Goodies

01Cooler Mater is a company that is certainly moving up. It was not that many years ago that they were not well thought of. This was until they released a lineup of cases and coolers that showed they were serious about their business. We saw products like the HAF932, the CM storm series cases and mice, the V8 cooler and others. While this was going on their more consumer based products were benefiting as well. We saw the Hiper 212+ become a favorite of many air cooling aficionados. We used them exclusively for over a year in our labs. Back in January we saw some nice new designs from Cooler Master in their suite at the Bellagio, today we have one of these in the lab and are eager to tell you how it performed. This is the CM Storm Spawn Gaming mouse. Let’s see if it has increased our frag rate.


The Box and Goodies -
The box the Spawn ships in is a little different than what we are used to. The front shows a nice image of the product with what we can only guess it energy circling around it. The view of the Spawn is a little misleading. It makes the product look larger than it is in real life (but we will talk more about that later). Cooler Master does give you some important information on the Spawn (the max DPI etc) so that you have a good idea what you are getting into just from a glance.

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Opening up the front cover gives you a glance at the actual Spawn mouse itself along with even more details on what you get when you buy this gaming mouse from Cooler Master.

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Flipping around to the back of the Spawn’s box we find an actual specification listing. One item that jumped out at us right off the bat was the “Right Hand Ergonomic Claw” listing. It made us wonder if there is a left had version that you can buy. We have looked around but so far have not found a left hand specific version of this on any e-tailer’s site. Once you are through looking over the box and pull the Spawn out you find it enclosed in a plastic shell. Underneath this is a small manual. Oddly enough our box did not have any sort of driver or utility cd (even the mini ones that are popular now). But we were able to find the driver easily enough online.


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