Cooler Master's CM Storm Spawn germinates in the lab - Value and Conclusion

01Cooler Mater is a company that is certainly moving up. It was not that many years ago that they were not well thought of. This was until they released a lineup of cases and coolers that showed they were serious about their business. We saw products like the HAF932, the CM storm series cases and mice, the V8 cooler and others. While this was going on their more consumer based products were benefiting as well. We saw the Hiper 212+ become a favorite of many air cooling aficionados. We used them exclusively for over a year in our labs. Back in January we saw some nice new designs from Cooler Master in their suite at the Bellagio, today we have one of these in the lab and are eager to tell you how it performed. This is the CM Storm Spawn Gaming mouse. Let’s see if it has increased our frag rate.

Value -
Value is another very subjective topic. What is expensive to some might be a deal to others. You can look at this topic in multiple ways. One is raw price and the other is what you get for the money. Each is accurate and both are correct ways to look at price/value. We tend to look at features, performance and real-property when we discuss value. However, we also take into account the raw cash cost of the item.

Remember how we mentioned that we could not find a left handed version of the Spawn? Well truth be told we could not find the Spawn anywhere online. Even Cooler Master’s site did not show where we could buy this. As there is no asking price, there is almost no way to rate this for value in the traditional sense. The only way we can relate this is by what we would be willing to pay for this mouse based on our experiences with other products of a like type and performance. With this in mind and the market that the Spawn is aimed at we feel that the MSRP should be in the range of $40-50 ($39.99 to 49.99). If Cooler Master can drop this onto the market at that price they will have people clambering to get this. If not, well they might be pricing themselves a little too high.

Conclusion -
When it all comes down to it the Spawn is a mouse. A USB Human Interface Device for navigating around your computer regardless of the OS type (unless it is command line only). However, on top of this basic fact are some nice extra features that make gaming and precision image or object manipulation much easier to manage. The market for this type of product is pretty large and with the performance of the Spawn we would expect there to be no shortage of interested consumers. We cannot tell you if this product will be a success though as we do not know the market price for this yet.

Still what we can tell you is that the Spawn now has a permanent place on my desk as the primary mouse for gaming, photo and video editing as well as general usage. If Cooler Master came out with a wireless version of this (BlueTooth hint, hint,…) I would buy that too.

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