Ausu P8Z77-V Deluxe Design and Feature Review - Conclusion

board01Now that we have taken a look at most of the rest of the P8Z77 line up we are going to check out what was originally the flagship for the mid-range line the P8Z77-V Deluxe. Earlier today Asus announced and addition to the P8Z77 line which puts this right below the top-end. That does not take anything away from the –V Deluxe with its USB 3.0 Boost, Dual Band WiFi Go (with Bluetooth), SLI and Crossfire support and more. We will be taking a deeper look at the performance very soon, but for now let’s see what Asus has packed into the P8Z77-V Deluxe and if it is worth the $275 that it will cost you.

Conclusion –
In looking over the Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe we can see the new direction that Asus is moving in. They really are not just looking to stuff features into every board in their lineup, but to take a broad feature set, make it work across the entire line and then put them in places that make sense. This is very clear in the range of Asus boards that we have tested from Asus now; starting with the gateway to the ROG line (the Maximus V Gene) and moving down to the Asus P8Z77-M Pro the differentiations between the feature sets have shown a clear line at each price point. This is coming at a time when there is very little to differentiate products in terms of specification. You will always have performance differences, but even these are getting smaller and smaller as the technology shifts (and Intel put more on the CPU). The P8Z77-V Deluxe really stands out in this respect not only with their design (the new tracing layout is very nice) but also with the additional features that make sense on this level of product. We are really looking forward to getting this board on the test bench and seeing how all of these features work together and if we are still going to get the same level of performance we have come to expect from Asus.

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