Gigabyte G1.Sniper M3 Design And Feature Review - Conclusion


Two years ago Gigabyte announced their G1.Kille series of motherboards with an interesting event featuring camouflage and tons of military imagery. The concept behind it was that the G1.Killer was meant to be a series of “super-soldiers” for gaming. Each of the products would be tailored after an imaginary persona: The Assassin, The Sniper and the Scout.  These would have super sight, hearing, speed, and shield all to assist you in your gaming dominance. We have taken a look at some of these for the X79 lineup and now have one from the Z77 chipset line; the G1.Sniper M3. This $180 board from Gigabyte features a full audio card built into the motherboard, SLI, and a Micro ATX form factor. So let’s take a look at what Gigabyte has stuffed into this little package.

Conclusion –
So far the Gigabyte G1.Sniper M3 is a well-built product. Gigabyte has chosen some solid components for this build and then put them on what appears to be a well-tuned PCB. Doing this is often a major part of the battle for performance. There are a few items that we would have liked them to give more attention to, but for the most part Gigabyte has covered their bases with the G1.Sniper M3. The feature set is a little light, but also contains enough to make the $180 price tag look good on paper. We will not know how all of this works together until we get this up on the test bench and put it through its paces. For now we will say that if the quality of the design and build is any indication we should see some excellent performance from this board in part two of our coverage.

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