Gigabyte G1.Sniper M3 Design And Feature Review - The Box and Goodies


Two years ago Gigabyte announced their G1.Kille series of motherboards with an interesting event featuring camouflage and tons of military imagery. The concept behind it was that the G1.Killer was meant to be a series of “super-soldiers” for gaming. Each of the products would be tailored after an imaginary persona: The Assassin, The Sniper and the Scout.  These would have super sight, hearing, speed, and shield all to assist you in your gaming dominance. We have taken a look at some of these for the X79 lineup and now have one from the Z77 chipset line; the G1.Sniper M3. This $180 board from Gigabyte features a full audio card built into the motherboard, SLI, and a Micro ATX form factor. So let’s take a look at what Gigabyte has stuffed into this little package.

The Box and Goodies -
The box for the G1.Sniper M3 is the now familiar “ammo can” style with some extra imagery to go with it. The flaming skull and dagger are meant to look like Special Forces insignia. Again all of this is meant to give the feeling that this board will be the perfect thing for your gaming needs. The front of the box shows off some of the real features that should make this a great board for gaming. Here you have the SoundCore 3d from Creative along SLI, Crossfire and Gigabyte’s 3D power and BIOS.

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The back dives into these features and more by breaking them out into the four categories we talked about above. We were a little surprised to see that Gigabyte did not make the specification listing a little larger ad cut back on the marketing hype. Usually people looking at this level of board want more fact than marketing.
The military theme does not stop at the outer box though. Inside is another box with the same pixel pattern camouflage. Under the lid of this board are all of the goodies that Gigabyte has thrown in for you.  As you can see it is not a bad haul although we were more than little surprised to only find an SLI bridge.

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