Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H WB Wifi Design and Feature Review - The Box and Goodies

board-intMoving through some of the more prominent Z77 motherboards that are out right now we come to another one from Gigabyte. Here we have the Z77X-UD5H WiFi Motherboard (Model number GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB). The UD5H is typically their second in line for the top spot in Gigabyte’s food chain The Z77X-UD7 currently holds that top crown. However the UD5 boards are always very functional and tend to combine the best of both performance and features. With this review we will be covering not only the features of the Z77X-UD5H WiFi but also come of the design choices that go into the board to get you the performance you expect on the other end. So let’s get right to it and find out if the Z77X-UD5H WiFi is worth the $210 that Gigabyte is asking.

The Box and Goodies -
The box that the Z77X-UD5H-WB ships follows the new design that Gigabyte adopted recently this is the stark white out box with the silver wireframe “3D” box on the front. The design is clean and looks sharp. They have (thankfully) not brought back the reflective films, or even cluttered up the front of the box too much (there are some large logos, but it is still not bad looking).
The back of the box is chaotic. There are diagrams, logos, graphs and more all crammed into the available space. You can sort through all of this and find some very good information, but the first glance it is a little much.
Inside the box you will find the regular range of items along with the WiFi/Bluetooth card that makes this different from the typical Z77X-UD5H. With the WiFi card (which we will talk about in more detail later) you also get a pair of antenna which are what help to make sure you are can reach that 300Mbps speed (if all the stars are lined up). Gigabyte has also thrown in a front mounted USB 3.0 bracket. Unfortunately it is for a 3.25-inch bay and not a 5.25-inch. We really do wish that they would add in something to allow you to install this into that larger slot as 3.25-inch external bays are getting less common we move forward.

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