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Indian enthusiast Arul Kumar who deals with computer security issues, reported a flaw in the social network Facebook, which allows you to delete any photo on Facebook within one minute. Failure is spotted within Support Dashboard portal that allows users to send complaints regarding violation or offensive content, and monitor whether the individual complaint is processed. Facebook employees handle complaints 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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It’s been said that if you have something that you don’t want the entire world to hear, don’t say it online. In today’s world, online privacy is a vanishing commodity and perhaps nowhere is that privacy more at risk than Facebook. When you combine a site that contains personal information on over one billion people with the highest traffic of any site on the Internet (sorry, Google), concerns are bound to rise. The latest privacy issue to come to public attention is facial recognition, specifically in Europe.
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According to information presented by Jonathan Lau, campaigns on Kickstarter collected six times more money than those on Indiegogo.
Lau has conducted his own research by collecting information on the number of campaigns, failed campaigns, collected money and a variety of other information on the most popular pages used to collect money for various projects.
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While we wait for the upcoming presentation of Samsung Smart watch, news that Google acquired a company that deals with exactly this area of technology leaked into public. The news are about WIMM Labs, which last year on their website announced that they became part of the exclusive and confidential business relationship and that they will stop development of their own production program.
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If you thought that Google's glasses in the final release will look the same as Exloper model which developers and early subscribed users get, you're wrong, because Google is working on improving the design that will allow the emergence of various "fashion models" for women and men, so you will be able to try Google Glass as if you were buying a preppy sunglasses.
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