If anyone has ever really thought that console gaming is better than the PC then here is one to put a nice monkey wrench into that thought machine. As we see the installers for PC games getting larger and extending into more DVDs we find that the console gamers are hitting something of a wall. You see even with Bluray you have a finite amount of space to stuff everything in. This means that as graphics and other objects in a game grow you lose out in many other ways. Bulky AI code gets slimmed down, expansive maps get trimmed.
It looks like the days of free internet TV are coming to a close as the big media companies work to push people back to the tether of cable or other pay services. This should not come as a shock to anyone at all really. After all none of the media companies want you to have access to these shows/movies in a format that they cannot control. We have seen this type of move before with the Music Industry and with the current crop of media giants. The movie and TV companies still have a problem letting go and giving people access over the scary internet. The problem is one of money (it always is); the powers that be are a tad greedy and cannot see how they can make enough if they just allow access to these shows for free…
Read more: Ah but it was too good to last... Free TV/Movies...
Kingston’s Wi-Drive hits the retail and e-tail stores in the US today. With the low price of $130 this new device for the iPod, iPhone, and iPad (probably a contractual item) will be followed by one for the Android later this year. It brings the ability to carry up to 32GB of extra storage for your iDevice.
Anyone remember Charlie Miller? He is the guy that has hacked more than his share of Apple products (and won a few PWN2Own contests). Well Charlie is back; this time he has found a hole in Macbook Batteries that can allow full control of the Macbook including uploading small programs that are undetectable by virus scanners. The reason they are undetectable is that the code is hidden inside the battery firmware. Charlie was able to get inside the firmware after digging through it and finding the passwords that allowed him access. Due to Apple’s tendency to use the same password for each line of its products (like the iPhone) it was very easy to spread this exploit to other systems.
Not all that long ago AT&T announced that it had plans to merge (buy) wireless company T-Mobile. This was not terribly shocking news as T-Mobile is one of the only competitors in the market that is using the same GSM technology. In fact when the first unlocks hit the iPhone many potential AT&T customers fled to T-Mobile as an alternative. As you can imagine, AT&T would like to put a stop to things like this. So they plan to buy up the other half of the GSM market in the US.
Read more: AT&T/T-Mobile merger threatened by 11 consumers...
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