TRENDNet TEW-812DRU 802.11ac Wireles Dual Band Router Review - The Box and Goodies


When wireless networking was first introduced it was a very cool concept and people bought into it. The problem was that it was also about as slow as dial-up internet was. The good news is that all technologies advance and wireless was non exception. Once the idea caught on we quickly ramped up in speed, but wireless was never quite able to keep up with a wired connection. We saw these connections leap ahead by a factor of 10 while wireless had small incremental speed jumps. All of that changed in 2011 when researchers built up the next specification for wireless speed, 802.11ac. This speed increase more than doubled what wireless was able to do previously. Suddenly wireless was just as fast as a wired connection (in theory). We have a few routers and adapters in the lab and will be taking a look at them. Today we are going to show you the TRENDNet TEW-812DRU AC1750 dual band wireless router.

The Box and Goodies -
As with most utility products the box that the TEW-812DRU comes in is all about showing off the product. To accomplish this they have dropped a picture of the TEW-812DRU on the front with a few foot notes to let you know what you are getting with the TEW-812DRU. The tag line “World’s fastest Wi-Fi” is a good one that should grab one or two people’s attention. TRENDNet also gives you a QRC icon that will let you grab more information and also get installation information.

The back of the box gives you a couple of usage images (these are images that show off how to use the product). You also get a feature comparison list on the back. After you have had your fill of the box you will find everything you need to get your new TEW-812DRU running quickly.

02 04 05


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