EDIMAX BR-6258n Nano Wireless Router Impresses us in the Lab - Value and Conclusion

edm02Wireless networking is one of those things that we all have come to rely on. We tend to expect to be able to connect just about anywhere now. I mean, even McDonalds has wireless now so why shouldn’t we? But what do you do when you come across one of those places that either does not have it, has poor quality (like many hotels) or you are just concerned about your security when on those open networks? Well there are a few companies that have a solution to this and we are going to take a look at one from EDIMAX today. It is one of the world’s smallest 802.11n wireless routers the EDIMAX BR-6258n.

Value -
Value is another very subjective topic. What is expensive to some might be a deal to others. You can look at this topic in multiple ways. One is raw price and the other is what you get for the money. Each is accurate and both are correct ways to look at price/value. We tend to look at features, performance and real-property when we discuss value. However, we also take into account the raw cash cost of the item. The BR-6258n runs for $40 at many e-tailers. This is an awesome price for something this flexible. You are getting a multi-mode wireless device that comes complete with a switch, firewall and can fit into your pocket with room to spare. All in all that is not a bad deal.

Conclusion -
The EDIMAX BR-6258n Nano Wireless Router is an impressive product although truth be told you would not know it if you just picked up the box. You really cannot get the full appreciation for what you are getting until you get this plugged in and working. We had quite a bit of fun taking this around and using it in places where there was free wireless (including the guest wireless at work). We were able to be on these networks with a feeling of security (although we are still always careful). EDIMAX does need to update their documentation and they also might want to consider shipping with some sort of carrying case or adding a decent battery to this. The former is absolutely needed while the latter would certainly make a very nice touch. If you travel a lot and are looking for some protection (besides the horrible software applications that are out there) from unwanted prying or attempted intrusions then you will want to take a look at the EDIMAX BR-6258n and make sure you have $40 or so handy as we are pretty sure you will want to buy one of these when you do look.

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