Gaming -
Gaming is a very real-world test. We do not use benchmarking scripts but actually play the games though a pre-planned level and record the frame rates using FRAPS. This allows up to see exactly how the CPU benefits [or hinders] performance. We have moved to a new format and will now be bringing you a game of each of the three common Direct X Levels. This should give a broader idea of CPU performance across multiple gaming APIs.
Modern Warfare 2 DX9 -
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a fast paced first person shooter style game. It covers the gamut of modern ‘low intensity’ and covert style combat that is actually going on in today’s world. Yes the plot line is farfetched but some of the actual types of missions are not far from the mark. As it is a console port it is limited to DX9 for its engine. However due to the massive ‘bar fight’ AI it can be a good test for a CPU. Settings are shown below
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The DX9 gaming (at least with Modern Warfare 3) was not as fast as we might have hoped. We found that the 3960X (and its motherboard) was toward the bottom of the grouping. Of course the difference was less than 4 FPS at minimum so you would never know it. Still after all of the other tests where the 3960X did so well we were sort of expecting to see this here.
FarCry 2 DX10 -
FarcCry 2 is a large “sandbox” style game that does not have any real levels. It is all mission based but allows for a great deal of free movement in the environment. You take the role of a mercenary sent to kill “The Jackal” a dangerous gun runner. Unfortunately you are overcome by your malaria and end up serving as an errand boy for a local thug. Settings are show below
For our FarCry 2 testing the 3960X comes out near the top of the field. Again this is only by a couple of frames per second so it is nothing to write home about.
Battlefield Bad Company2 DX11 –
I have liked many of the Battlefield games. They usually tend to be fast paced and fun. With Battlefield Bad Company 2 you do get some of that, but there is something about the graphics and the movement that just does not sit right. The AI is a less sophisticated form of the bar fight AI, but it gets the job done. Still, the game is good for testing as it can put a strain on the components of the board. Out testing run is the entire first level, from beginning to end. Settings are shown below along with the raw numbers.
Once more we find out that the CPU does not matter as much as a good solid performing GPU. The Intel Core i7 3960X does ok in Bad Company 2, but it is more than 10 FPS behind the leaders at stock speeds and still 4 FPS behind the leader when overclocked. With a 10+ FPS difference and running just a little over 32 FPS (which is the limit for full motion gaming) we imagine that you would be able to notice that difference.
Gaming recap -
The CPU, Motherboard and other items have been secondary for most gaming for a long time. This does not mean that the CPU cannot play its part. If your CPU cannot handle the ancillary tasks like AI, Audio Processing (as most audio it now CPU bound). Then you can see an impact on your games. The Core i7 3960X does well, but we honestly expected more from this CPU.