Jack Thompson from the company ArcadesRFun has made another version of the gaming system for the most hardcore players. The system has the physical form of a classic arcade machine and is slightly smaller than the last year's edition, which was made for IGN's leader Jace Hall.
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Scientists from the U.S. and from around the world went into an internet campaign on Twitter posting links to PDF files of scientific research in honor of the late Aaron Swartz who believed that access to such data should be free for all. Swartz was faced with a lawsuit because of his attempts to share scientific papers from JSTOR's. The lawsuit was $4 million in fines and 50 years in prison for allegedly "stealing" from a database, but in fact he had the legal right to access those papers.
Read more: Thousands link to copyrighted scientific papers...
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Activision has announced that after a year of presence in the market their Skylanders franchise consisting of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures, Skylanders Giants generated revenues of whopping $500 million and that was only in the U.S. market. Of this amount approximately $195 million goes to Skylanders Giants who arrived on the market in October last year, while the rest of the earnings are from Spyro's Adventure, which came out a year earlier.
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You know you have to love the way the US Government acts in some of their dealings. There are times when they simply do not understand the implications of what they are doing… well either that or they have no respect for the intelligence of the common person. We are talking about a “new” development in the US DOJ’s case against Megaupload and Kim Dotcom. This trial has already become famous simply due to its timing and also for the inappropriate raid on the Dotcom mansion. Although the case has slipped out of the mainstream media many are still watching with great interest due to the siege tactics and the way the US has violated the laws in New Zealand (and possibly in the US).
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Samsung is reporting new successes with their Galaxy S line of smartphones. According to Samsung's official data, they have sold a total of 100 million Galaxy S smartphones worldwide. Remember that Note and Note 2 are not part of the Galaxy S series.
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