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The most famous search engine for torrent files, The Pirate Bay, these days celebrated 10 year anniversary of successful operation, despite the efforts of many anti-piracy campaigns, organizations and governments of various countries to completely disable their function.
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100 "smart garbage cans" were placed during the Olympics 2012 in London that are having screens on which various listings are displayed. These days the company Renew upgraded bucket system called Renew Presence ORB, which detects pedestrians and users of smartphones and tablets with WiFi turned on.
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Element14 is a company that deals with the distribution of electronic components and now they have launched a website intended for projects based on a popular small computer Raspberry Pi. Since the device has sold more than a million copies, the site seeks to maintain good sales results, and encourage as many hobbyists of all levels to create projects.
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Quite a lot of users have posted their complains about various problems on the Google Mobile Help Forum with the use of satellite navigation built into the new Nexus 7 tablet, which was made by Asus for Google this time. Among the problems they referred the cases of complete inability to use GPS navigation, as well as the termination of GPS functionality after 2, 5, 10, or 30 minutes.
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Google's smart glasses in the current phase are ideal for taking photos and video, but so far have not proved suitable for their viewing. When Google started shipping the first copies of the developer version of glasses to developers and users that had preordered it, they wanted to get as much feedback possible,based on which it would be easier to move in the right direction, which leads to release of the final version of Google Glass, which is expected during the 2014.
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